What Is the Aging Mastery® Starter Kit?
Key Takeaways
- National Council On Aging (NCOA) created Aging Mastery® as a guide to building a playbook for aging well and making the most of the gift of longer life.
- The Aging Mastery® Starter Kit provides a comprehensive and fun approach to positive aging by focusing on key aspects of health, finances, relationships, personal growth, and community involvement.
What is the Aging Mastery® Starter Kit?
The Starter Kit is a self-directed version of NCOA’s successful Aging Mastery Program® (AMP). Just like the community-based program, the Starter Kit is a fun and hands-on experience that encourages people to embrace their gift of longevity by spending more time each day doing things that are good for themselves and for others. It is designed for those who like to learn on their own or who may not be able to attend AMP classes in person.
What is included in the Starter Kit?
The Starter Kit combines education with engaging activities to inspire people to take actions to achieve autonomy, mastery, and purpose as they age. The centerpiece of the Starter Kit is the Aging Mastery Playbook, a guide to the philosophy of Aging Mastery® with practical tips for aging well across six dimensions: Gratitude and Mindfulness, Health and Well-Being, Finances and Future Planning, Connections and Community, Learning and Creativity, and Legacy and Purpose. The Starter Kit also includes a DVD specially created for Aging Mastery® Tai Chi Easy™: First Steps for Aging Mastery. This DVD promotes health and well-being through gentle movement, mindfulness, breath practices, and self-applied massage. NCOA developed the routines in collaboration with Roger Jahnke, OMD. Dr. Jahnke is the Director of The Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi, the developer of Tai Chi Easy, and the author of The Healer Within. Additional components of the Starter Kit include activity cards that support taking actions, a notepad for personal reflection, and more.
The ‘Aging Mastery Program’ kit includes: (pictures included): *
- Aging Mastery® Playbook
- Exercise DVDs
- Tai Chi Easy™: First Steps for Aging
- Go4Life®
- Activity Cards
- Weekly Check-In Notepad
- Magnet
- Other(s) Card Inserts:
- Hello! You’re on your way to creating your own personal pathway for aging well.
- Special Delivery! AMP Up Your Week
How can I get the Starter Kit?
You can check out a Starter Kit for free from the ADRC SWWI Green County Office. Contact Green County ADRC at 608-328-9499.*
Can I use the Starter Kit in conjunction with AMP classes?
Yes! The Starter Kit and the Aging Mastery Program® (AMP) classes are complementary. Individuals who receive and use the Starter Kit can then sign up for AMP classes offered in your area. The classes will reinforce what you’ve learned from the Starter Kit. By the same token, individuals who have completed AMP classes may be interested in having a copy of the Starter Kit as continued inspiration for their Aging Mastery journey.
For more information visit, https://www.ncoa.org/
*Please note, all items listed above need to be returned in good condition with the kit when done with use, otherwise there may be a fee to replace the kit up to $30.