A Representative Payee, or Rep. Payee, assists consumers who receive Social Security/Supplemental Social Security with their finances who are unable to manage their own monies. Social Security may state that the person needs the assistance or a consumer may feel that they need this service.
The Rep. Payee will set up a budget with the consumer and will meet with them as needed. The Rep. Payee helps the consumer set goals and will assist in obtaining the goals desired to the best of the Rep. Payee’s ability. The Rep. Payee will receive the bills and pay for the consumer, then send weekly checks to the consumer. The Rep. Payee relays updates and/or new information directly to Social Security and also fills out reports how the monies were spent for the consumer.
The Rep. Payee can:
- assist consumers in receiving appropriate services for their need.
- act as an advocate for consumer when necessary.
- assist in training in independent living skills such as shopping, cleaning skills, doctor appointments, health care, and housing/management.
- assist those in the community that are behind on bills/rent to create a budget.
- work with creditors to eliminate debt.
- assist on a short-term basis with budget counseling.