Worried About Your Rising Fuel Costs?
Check out the Green County Energy Assistance Program!
Are you someone that has struggled with increased costs of fuel? Do you know if someone that can’t afford heating fuel and is heating his or her home with space heaters? If so, the Green County Energy Assistance Program may offer some help to these households.
Energy Assistance eligibility is based on the income of the household (no asset test). We look at the previous three months’ income to determine eligibility for Energy Assistance. Eligible households will receive a one-time payment towards their heating and electric costs. This payment goes directly towards their heating and electric costs. This payment goes directly to your fuel and electric vendor and your account is credited with the deposit.
So, if you need help with your heating costs and you think you may be eligible, please give the Green County Energy Assistance Program a call at 608-325-1111 or 1-800-506-5596.